Friday, October 1, 2010

Painful Project

by Saverio Sacchetti
Well! That is exactly how I feel about the project that I am taking up from today. Since last summers, the last time I stepped in a gym, I have gained over ten kilograms. Now I think it is high time to let go of it. All the Cheese Bursts, KFC Burgers, Smoking Joes’, McDs, Parathas, Samosas and Charts, I have to pay for them all. From today onwards I would be going to Fitness One, the closest gym to my house and workout for minimum one hour a day, with lot of cardio.

My trainer made my exercise card today, and it was anything but light. I thought Inter-IIT camps were torture, this is worst and well you have to pay to feel like this.

Anyways the moral of the story is I need to lose weight and I want to do it in style (by style I mean fast), at least one kg per ten days.