
Oh! ya, that is me trying to be an Aerospace Engineer

Hi! My name is Anurag. I come from India. Presently I am working at a start-up company in Bangalore, as a software engineer- trainee.

Did you say it is a clichéd job?

I have been hearing that quite lately.

I graduated in Aerospace Engineering, from IIT Bombay this year, or should I say this month.

I don’t know what I am going to do with my life. Life was too easy when there was only IIT-JEE to look for, but now it is wide open and I want to do it all. Everyone keeps talking of sacrificing one for other or to focus on one particular stream. But that is not how I want to live my life and I am looking for a way to live a much fuller life. I still don’t have all the answers, but I intend to find out.

I love playing basketball, or at least I used to in college (I feel too old saying that). I love movies. Oh boy! I guess I averaged at least three movies a week back in college days, now I average just below one movie a week. I love gaming, I just can’t think of a life without gaming. I may not be your typical gaming junky who talk about gaming twenty-four-seven, but if an amazing game is out and I have a weekend off, I’ll cancel everything else and I would sit whole day and night to finish it. I am not much of an online gaming person, but I love single players and co-ops. One last vice of mine would be my addiction to TV series, and I won’t call them soaps. I love Science-Fiction and Fantasy. Last but not the least and I don’t consider this a vice but a virtue, I love to read and write, my choice would be clear to you as you read along, but I need to say, it is painstaking for me to sit down to read or write, but I still do it because it is worth it.

So much about me, now it is time for the blog.

I used to blog, highly irregular, I had a couple of blogger blogs but I never had anything concrete to say and I guess that was the reason why my interest in blogging degraded over time. Last year I shifted to Wordpress and had the best blogging experience ever, made some online friends, had some honest readers and almost everything I wanted from blogging, but one thing that kept haunting me was the inability to add the javascript gadgets. So I am back on blogger, making a new beginning and this time I intent to make this blog work.

Life without an aim is meaningless; I set myself goals and achieve them. Achievements are those that I can measure, and by measuring I am assuring myself a life worth living, a life that is worth at least my achievements.

I hope you get the drift. I always have problem explain this crude concept of mine. In mathematical terms,

Life >= Achievements.

Life is not achievements, but achievements can be benchmarks of a life well lived.

Hence, I aim for small targets and do my best to achieve them, and I love to see them built into something big and concrete. These are the things that I always wanted to do, but could never got time or I thought I could never do.

Well now I realized time need to be earned and if you are postponing something it is because you want to get it more than anything else but are scared of failure or may be looking like a fool or failing at other things, but when your urge is so strong why not go get it.

That is what this blog is all about. It is about life, the small projects that make my life.