Sunday, January 2, 2011

I have moved.

I am leaving this blog. Please find me at Voyage de Lavinor.
That is where I would be posting everyday. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Painful Project

by Saverio Sacchetti
Well! That is exactly how I feel about the project that I am taking up from today. Since last summers, the last time I stepped in a gym, I have gained over ten kilograms. Now I think it is high time to let go of it. All the Cheese Bursts, KFC Burgers, Smoking Joes’, McDs, Parathas, Samosas and Charts, I have to pay for them all. From today onwards I would be going to Fitness One, the closest gym to my house and workout for minimum one hour a day, with lot of cardio.

My trainer made my exercise card today, and it was anything but light. I thought Inter-IIT camps were torture, this is worst and well you have to pay to feel like this.

Anyways the moral of the story is I need to lose weight and I want to do it in style (by style I mean fast), at least one kg per ten days.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I ditched the coaching (and liked it)

Alright here is the deal. I have decided not to join any coaching for GMAT. Mainly for three reasons:
  1. I think I can handle it.
  2. I am not sure if I would be applying for MBA colleges next year.
  3. The coaching is too damn costly, I would rather get all the study material at half the price and study myself.
I know Princeton Review is a very good coaching institute, but on further analysis and realizing the time I would loose in traveling, it would be much more efficient and economic if I studied on my own. Hence bye-bye Princeton Review and Hello Lavinor Coaching. If you are interested in study sessions, you are more than welcome. Drop me an email, if you wish to get together.

I would post regular updates on my game plan and progress. Hope that would help all those who are on their own in GMAT preparations.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Still Waters' Creative Writing Workshop

by SrJazz
When I finished my college, I had some time to breathe and think of other things. In silent introspection I asked myself “If there is one thing that you would like to do, what would it be?” The answer to the question wasn’t surprising, but how soon the things were set in motion amazed me. That night I mailed Vijay Nair about my interest in creative writing, the very next morning he texted me about the workshop starting at 1000 hrs and I was on my feet, ready to learn some writing. Soon I embarked on a journey with my fellow mates, who are very talented and have a passion for writing that is contagious, on my first official session on how to put word on paper.

It was a big deal to me because this was the first time I was putting down all the tales that I have desperately wanted to write. I had sketched up a few ideas about short story and novels, but I never had the right equipment to go beyond them. Now I am all set for rock 'n roll.

Now as the workshop comes to an end, I am amazed at how much I have learned in this short time. How much I have gained and how much my writing has come through. For this thank Vijay Nair and the amazing class I had, full of zeal, enthusiasm and love for writing.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Project 1: GMAT Prep

Alright this is soon. Tomorrow I embark on my first project after starting this blog. Tomorrow I embark on the most crucial journey of my life. It may last only three months, but it is the first step toward a greater goal that is still shadowed in indecision. I want to get an MBA, but before I can even think of applying to my dream universities I have a long checklist of things to do and appearing for GMAT tops this list.
I can study on my own and appear for GMAT by early January, but to be honest neither do I have that kind of motivation or time at the moment. So, I go about this the easy way, well I like to call it the convenient way. I am enrolling myself for GMAT preparation tomorrow. The coaching institute it called Princeton Review. I have heard a lot about it and some of my friends have studied here before, plus my research showed that these guys know what they are doing.
Here is a list of a few reasons (I can think of at the moment) for choosing Princeton Review over others:
  1. Hear a lot about it from my friends who have studied here
  2. Small batches, approximately ten people per batch
  3. Supplemental online GMAT lessons, tests, and drills
  4. Workshops other than classroom sessions at different centres throughout the city
  5. Diagnostic test before joining the classes, to identify ones weaknesses and work on them
  6. They even provide help with applications
So tomorrow I have my diagnostic test and the classes start from next Sunday.
Finally time has come to appear for GMAT. I am targeting a score of 750 plus, I hope I get my wish.

So it begins

by minifig
Once upon a time there was a boy; he always wondered what to blog about. It was not that he was new to blogging, he had been trying to blog for quite some time, trying to blog for last three years, but before he could make any impression on anybody he ended up starting a new blog on yet another topic and embarked on a new journey. He decided to settle down, put everything in one blog, "one to rule them all" he said, but that didn't work either; he tried doing too much in too little a while and in high constrains of java-less environment of wordpress. Now he is back, he want to start all over again, he wonders where he should start from. Should he continue from where he left off, should he focus on something significant or have an all new approach to blogging as he has now to life. Dishearted he wondered if his life and his interests are indeed so miserly that he can't even think of that one significant thing that he can blog about. Helpless he wanders the web, getting even more entangled in the endless searches of Google on "What to blog about?"

Finding no answers and the hunger in him still growing stronger he decided to let it all out and he starts typing...