Sunday, September 26, 2010

Still Waters' Creative Writing Workshop

by SrJazz
When I finished my college, I had some time to breathe and think of other things. In silent introspection I asked myself “If there is one thing that you would like to do, what would it be?” The answer to the question wasn’t surprising, but how soon the things were set in motion amazed me. That night I mailed Vijay Nair about my interest in creative writing, the very next morning he texted me about the workshop starting at 1000 hrs and I was on my feet, ready to learn some writing. Soon I embarked on a journey with my fellow mates, who are very talented and have a passion for writing that is contagious, on my first official session on how to put word on paper.

It was a big deal to me because this was the first time I was putting down all the tales that I have desperately wanted to write. I had sketched up a few ideas about short story and novels, but I never had the right equipment to go beyond them. Now I am all set for rock 'n roll.

Now as the workshop comes to an end, I am amazed at how much I have learned in this short time. How much I have gained and how much my writing has come through. For this thank Vijay Nair and the amazing class I had, full of zeal, enthusiasm and love for writing.

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