Friday, September 24, 2010

Project 1: GMAT Prep

Alright this is soon. Tomorrow I embark on my first project after starting this blog. Tomorrow I embark on the most crucial journey of my life. It may last only three months, but it is the first step toward a greater goal that is still shadowed in indecision. I want to get an MBA, but before I can even think of applying to my dream universities I have a long checklist of things to do and appearing for GMAT tops this list.
I can study on my own and appear for GMAT by early January, but to be honest neither do I have that kind of motivation or time at the moment. So, I go about this the easy way, well I like to call it the convenient way. I am enrolling myself for GMAT preparation tomorrow. The coaching institute it called Princeton Review. I have heard a lot about it and some of my friends have studied here before, plus my research showed that these guys know what they are doing.
Here is a list of a few reasons (I can think of at the moment) for choosing Princeton Review over others:
  1. Hear a lot about it from my friends who have studied here
  2. Small batches, approximately ten people per batch
  3. Supplemental online GMAT lessons, tests, and drills
  4. Workshops other than classroom sessions at different centres throughout the city
  5. Diagnostic test before joining the classes, to identify ones weaknesses and work on them
  6. They even provide help with applications
So tomorrow I have my diagnostic test and the classes start from next Sunday.
Finally time has come to appear for GMAT. I am targeting a score of 750 plus, I hope I get my wish.

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