Friday, September 24, 2010

So it begins

by minifig
Once upon a time there was a boy; he always wondered what to blog about. It was not that he was new to blogging, he had been trying to blog for quite some time, trying to blog for last three years, but before he could make any impression on anybody he ended up starting a new blog on yet another topic and embarked on a new journey. He decided to settle down, put everything in one blog, "one to rule them all" he said, but that didn't work either; he tried doing too much in too little a while and in high constrains of java-less environment of wordpress. Now he is back, he want to start all over again, he wonders where he should start from. Should he continue from where he left off, should he focus on something significant or have an all new approach to blogging as he has now to life. Dishearted he wondered if his life and his interests are indeed so miserly that he can't even think of that one significant thing that he can blog about. Helpless he wanders the web, getting even more entangled in the endless searches of Google on "What to blog about?"

Finding no answers and the hunger in him still growing stronger he decided to let it all out and he starts typing...

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